Organisation Development

There are many definitions and understandings of organisational development (OD). In essence it is concerned with both organisational effectiveness and organisational health. Typically there will be focus on aligning the organisation’s strategy, structure, processes, and the culture, people engagement and competencies, so the organisation can meet their objectives and live their values. Therefore OD is also about leadership, communication, and change.

There are many ways to approach OD, depending on the nature of the challenge. In these turbulent times, it is often also about strengthening the organisation’s ability to be able to work in the tension between the planned and the unforeseen. We can design a process to help you with this, with respect for your specific context and challenge.

In rough times, it is important to keep strengthening your organisations ability to work with the most difficult issues and find a way to plan for what cannot be planned. styrke organisationens evne til at kunne arbejde i spændingsfeltet mellem det plantelagte og det uforudsigelige.

We can tailor a process which helps you achieve your goals with respect for your context, your core tasks and challenges.

Organisation Development is ”how an organisation develops and implements strategy with the full engagement of its people”

– Griffin, E.
